
Christ-Centered, Radically Embracing People and Creation

This is how we define our identity as an Episcopal Church and Parish. We follow Christ in welcoming “all sorts and conditions of [humanity]” and “rejoicing in [God’s] whole creation.” {BCP (1979) p.814}

St. Alban’s is a congregation of about 150 members who welcome all people and celebrate our diversity. Our doors are open to all who wish to worship with us. We are proud of our inclusive Anglican traditions of prayer and worship that refresh our faith and help us to understand our small place on this precious planet.

We are known for our joyful worship, good fellowship, inter-generational formation of Christians, and service to the community, as well as for our resource sharing with the community at large, including multiple 12-Step recovery groups, Healthy Families and other organizations. Our vegetable and flower garden and outdoor labyrinth are resources for communities in and around Salisbury, Maryland.  

We offer Baptism and Eucharist to all who seek spiritual foundation and renewal. We offer the pastoral offices of reconciliation, ministry to the sick and Christian burial. Our policy is to meet and support couples desiring Christian marriage in accord with civil and Church requirements. We do not discriminate with regard to gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or identity, or mental capacity in our parish community, pastoral care and community outreach.