
St. Alban's is well known in the Salisbury community for our environmental sustainability efforts. Our commitment to care for the earth, and the Chesapeake Bay in particular, comes from an understanding that loving our neighbor isn't only about human neighbors, but includes all of creation – creatures, plants, earth, water and air.

Our efforts include taking specific steps to reduce our carbon footprint, as well as encouraging ourselves and others to do so at home too. At St. Alban's

  • carpeting is 100% recyclable
  • the vinyl flooring is the most sustainable we can find
  • light fixtures have been fitted with energy efficient fluorescent or LED bulbs
  • Bathroom lights are on automatic timers
  • Paper, plastic and cans are recycled
  • Paper goods and cleaning supplies are ecofriendly
  • Landscaping is drought-resistant and includes many perennials and native plants
  • HVAC systems are energy-efficient; natural gas is the heating fuel
  • Classrooms and the kitchen have individual HVAC units for better efficiency

Perhaps most notable to passersby are our solar panels. Installed in 2015, these panels provide a large portion of our electricity needs and are a visible testament of our environmental commitment.

We partnered recently with the City of Salisbury, the Lower Shore Land Trust, and the Chesapeake Bay Trust on a grant-funded project to implement several new improvements.

  • A 500-gallon cistern to collect rainwater from roofs for use in our large
    community garden and landscaping
  • A native-plant pollinator garden
  • Sustainability workshops to educate parishioners and community members
  • Rain barrels for workshop participants to use at home

An important goal of this project is to encourage other churches in our community to take on sustainability initiatives on their property.